The Power of Blogging | Virtual Assistant for Photographers

The Power of Blogging | Virtual Assistant for Photographers

Let’s talk for a minute about the power of blogging.

We all know that blogging is crucial for photographers - you are a visual artist, and blogs are one of the only long-form way to show your work. BUT there are a few other reasons that make blogs one of the most powerful things you do for your marketing & business growth.

Imagine a potential client lands on your site…

They were attracted to your beautiful work through your Instagram VIBE, and pulled in by your authentic copy. Now, remember, you are a high ticket item by definition…your client is going to want to know a little more about you before they enthusiastically inquire. (Plus, you want them to be pre-qualified as ideal clients BEFORE they land in your inbox.)


This is where the power of blogging really comes into play.

As they scroll through your long-form image display, your potential customer can not only see MORE of your work, they can get a full-bodied sense of the galleries you deliver. It’s not just a square or reel on Instagram. They can start to imagine themselves as your clients as they scroll through your photos. Imagination is a powerful tool!! You also have a chance to talk regularly about the experience you offer, and your approach to photography in a storytelling way. And we all know how amazing storytelling is in marketing.

So, that alone is enough of a reason to be regularly blogging your galleries.

But blogs don’t stop there.

Blogs are the perfect content hub.

You are a photographer. Not a content creator. You do not need to think of original, custom pieces of content for every. single. platform. You literally don’t have time!! In this day and age of micro content marketing, you MUST be strategic in order to increase your brand awareness across platforms. (And if your brain just went to mush with that sentence, I FEEL YA) Blogs help keep it all streamlined.

Pick 4 pieces of education you wish your clients knew, and blog one a week (or have my team do it for you!). Take those blogs and create:
Pins for Pinterest
IG story slides
IG talking-to-the-camera education
IG posts
Facebook group posts etc.

Use your blogs as the pillar for the rest of your content.
And feel your mental load decreasing as we speak.

The third, and more well known, use of blogs is GOOGLE.

Google likes consistent SEO-optimized copy being published to your site in order for their search engine to push it forward. That means you need more SEO than just making sure the site itself is optimized. The smoothest way to accomplish this is by blogging. (Again..the power of blogging, baby!)

Luckily for you, as a photographer you have SO much more content to blog than most people, so you have a leg up.

Also, if a lot of your competitors are not utilizing blogging, then it’s the perfect way to move up the Google search rankings. But, I hate to break it to you - it’s not enough to slap some photos up with a little caption. There are over 10 steps to a SEO optimized blog post. This is what my team does, and our clients see a big uptick in Google traffic on their site.

Make google your friend, blog more.

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Those are just some of the core ways you can utilize the power of blogging as a photographer.

While there are many ways to increase lead generation, brand awareness and sales - blogging packs a powerful punch. Which is why I won’t shut up about it hahah.

If you are interested in outsourcing your blogs to my team, you can see all about our package here:

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