The Secret of Hustle Culture | Virtual Assistant

The Secret of Hustle Culture | Virtual Assistant

the secret of hustle culture graphic with disco ball

When I look back a few years ago, I see myself working my ass off to build a photography business. I was doing everything I could to make it work, but I wanted to do it all myself.

I studied Instagram algorithms, watched courses, spent late nights strategizing, came up with all the plans, and hustled hard.

The problem was, I wasn’t getting anywhere. Or at least, not effectively.

And if there is anything that is true about me, it’s that I like effeciency. (Call it the enneagram 8 in me haha). But I just hung on for dear life and believed it would all work out. But I was working harder, not smarter.

One day I woke up, looked around at how burnt out I was, and decided enough was enough.

I got real honest with myself, which lead me to realize I wanted to do virtual assisting work (that’s a story for another time), and I realized I couldn’t do it all alone if I wanted to succeed.

So I slowly started building from the ground up. I had to do things differently this time. I started examining the way I had hustled before. I did a cost/benefit analysis, which didn’t turn out so well for my old methods.

I started outsourcing. Which was a big step for an “I can do it myself” girly. I hired an associate almost immediately. I started hiring coaches. I got more associates. I took my burn out seriously.

And along the way, I had a realization.

Hustle culture is a lack of self trust.

mind blown by scientist for virtual assistant for photographers

The secret to hustle culture is that you always have to be working hard.

Which robs you of the opportunities that come with working smarter. YES, there is risk involved. But when you’re confidently betting on yourself, you also know you can handle any failures that may come.

I decided to trust myself in my business, and everything changed.

Now I outsource thousands of dollars worth of help every month. I also generate more income than I used to because of it. I also have a work/life balance I could only dream about before.

And now, I run a business that invites entrepreneurs to step out of hustle and into self trust.

Whether you’re outsourcing blogging every month or hiring someone to really come alongside you in ever aspect of business, I am here as your biggest cheerleader.

Because I know from my own personal experience what a huge difference it can make.

If you want to get into the nitty gritty of how I help photographers - you can see that good stuff here.

Now is the time to examine if you are working harder or smarter. To think outside the box. To let other people help you.

Let go of hustle culture. And step into self-trust.

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