3 New Year Journal Prompts for Entrepreneurs | Virtual Assistant for Photographer

3 New Year Journal Prompts for Entrepreneurs | Virtual Assistant for Photographer

Can’t quite believe it’s almost December, but here we are! If you are anything like me, you love to spend some time at the end of the year reflecting on the last 12 months & planning for the next. In that spirit, I want share New Year Journal Prompts, specifically for entrepreneurs - so you can feel guided in the process!

I know starting from scratch and trying to wrack your brain can be daunting, so use these as suggestions and mold them to your own process. More than anything, as a business owner, it’s important that you listen to your gut and trust yourself. This time of reflection is supposed to facilitate that, not become another to-do item.

I recommend making sure you “set the vibe” before you sit down to journal. Light a candle, pour some wine (or whatever is your vice!) and grab a pen you love…maybe turn on a vinyl…literally whatever gets your head out of “work mode” and into “CEO mode”.

Your goal here is to ZOOM OUT and pay attention to the perspective this year has brought you before diving into these New Year Journal Prompts.

#1: Reflect on the last year

What worked?

What really didn’t?

What was your favorite change you made?

What was something you wish you had done differently?

What was your biggest mistake?

What were your favorite wins?

Did you celebrate the wins?

Did you learn something valuable from the mistakes?

Taking account for what the last year gave you, helps it solidify as a foundation that you can jump off of for next year. You can answer these questions as bullet points or just start writing and see what happens!

#2: Get Clear on Your Core Values & Desired Feelings

Before you start brainstorming next steps, stop. This is one way to uplevel your goals big time. Before you decide WHAT comes next, take some time getting clear on how you want to feel once you get there.

In Danielle LaPorte’s book, The Desire Map, she talks about starting your goal-setting with the way you want to FEEL versus what you want to do.

Start asking yourself:

hHw do I want to feel in my business?

How do I want my business to make me feel in my personal life?

The enneagram 8 in me likes to also consider this in terms of values, even more so than feelings.

What are my values?

What values do I want to pursue this year?

How could those values expand in my life?

Whether it’s more family time, or more travel, or more naps…more joy, more ease, or more freedom…what values & feelings need some attention in your intentional changes? Uses these New Year Journal Prompts to put them on the table.

#3: Reverse Engineer That Shit

Now you are clear on how you want to feel in your business, and some basic things that help you feel that way/get aligned with your values, you can start getting practical.

Think of one clear goal: “I want to book 90% ideal clients because that makes me feel the most creative in my work”.

What is the first baby step towards that goal? Maybe it’s redefining your brand. Maybe it’s updating copy. Maybe it’s a social media plan. Maybe it’s hiring a coach.

Work from the ideal desired goal + feeling to start creating a practical plan. Repeat that for all your goals.

That’s it! 3 New Year Journal Prompts for you.

More than anything I want you to feel attuned to your own inner voice and trusting YOUR intuition. You know best about your business. And the best way to get rid of hustle in your business is to start trusting yourself.

Take some time to hold space to hear your own thoughts this month. And let me know what you come up with! I’d love to connect on IG and hear your process!!

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